Thursday, January 4, 2007

Floating aquarium plants

Riccia — floating plant related to low mham. Grows at surface as kurtin of ramified sloevish by thickness about 1,5 see At the good overhead illumination, overgrowing, fills all surface of aquarium, that at times turns out undesirable. But this plant is irreplaceable as refuge for the fries of viviparous fishes, haplohilusov and other. Richchiya also serves by material for building of floating nests from suds and this plant at breeding of lyaliusov and other labyrinth fishes. Successfully overgrows from the most little piece.The floating form of aquatic fern (cabbage) is known to our aquariums much earlier than its submarine variety. It grows on the surface of water as electric outlets of wide listev with the toothed edges cut up.
The young plants are formed from the buds appearing on the edges of listev. The «cabbage» of full value develops at the good overhead illumination, at its failing becomes small.
Eyhorniya (aquatic hyacinth) — tropical plant supernatant water as electric outlets. Its rounded listya with the swollen petioles are raised above the surface of water. In the opened aquarium or in pool at the good overhead illumination of eyhorniya blossoms beautiful sotsvetiyami on pointer, similar with hyacinth, from where and the Russian name happened. In the aquarium with the net water sometimes it succeeds to rear in soil a submarine form of eyhornii, which the swollen petioles do not develop at. The plant is heat-loving, temperature of survival — not below 22 °With, and flowering — 26—28 °With.Pistiya (aquatic lettuce) — large floating plant with green velvety listyami. In summer not bad propagates oneself by the vegetative path, but carries the winter badly. Above all things ruinously for this plant maintenance of aquarium under glass, also does not take away decline of temperature and lack of overhead illumination. Pistii temperature 24—26 optimum for development °With.
Salvinii — plants of family of floating ferns, include about two ten of kinds. On the south of Russia and in Western Europe salviniya is widespread floating. This plant with the thin stems, lying on the surfaces of water, from which in parties will depart small, suprotivnie pair leaves, and the counterfoils covered with downward stretch from them.At the sufficient overhead illumination of plant, taken from the natural reservoirs, well grow in the room aquariums, but they usually perish at the beginning of the winter. Better prigilis in the aquariums of plant from Western Europe, which for the row of generations had time to acclimatize in the room terms. Successfully grows in the aquariums of salviniya with the big ears, widespread in the natural reservoirs of South America. All floating plants very decorate the aquariums, but their demand to the overhead illumination in default of glass coverage limits possibilities of their successful growing in the room most reservoirs. Best of all to lead them in the hothouse pools or in the large aquariums set in the winter garden or on the glazed verandah well lighted up. Makes the exception only simple and irreplaceable at breeding of many types of fishes floating plant of richchiya.

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