Friday, January 5, 2007

Haplohilusi (pickerels)

Small fishes dwelling in the reservoirs of Africa and indo-chinese behave toward this group, which are characterized the lengthened progonistim body with the dorsal and anal fins far moved aside, and also by manner to be motionlessly harboured in the overhead layers of water under the protection supernatant plants.

Original appearance and ways give to these fishes the known likeness with pikes, however they are not dangerous for fishes of middle sizes and fine get along in the general aquariums. Feed on the living sterns floating at the surface of water, and by the shallow invertebrates falling in water. This the structure of jaws of these fishes which are opened ahead and upwards is instrumental in. Living in aquariums and feeding on the prepared forage, fishes saved its hunting ways. They heed from under water after flies which catch, jumping out our by surface. Therefore the aquarium with them must be covered by glass.
Haplohilus shaperi (shapirki) — small (about 6 sm) pickerels. Male is covered by the greenish-goldish scale with the transversal dark bars on body the lengthened ledge on the lower party of tail plavnika with the dark edging. Females some more shallow, are painted paler, have sharply ledge on tail, but the red color on the lower jaw and forehand of breast at them is absent.For the successful breeding enough one male is on the pair of females. Shapirok successfully it is possible to conduct in general with the viviparous fishes aquarium the part of surface of which is covered richchiey. In it fishes hardly whether daily put aside for a few ikrinok. From them after the 8—12-daily ripening the fries which the first time are motionlessly placed at same surface of water are pecked out. At the daily scrutiny of these are small necks which are comparatively large, succeeds, otlovi by their tea-spoon, to land in the separate jar, where rear them by «dust».

Pankahas - Motherland of these fishes India, from here — another in the everyday use name accepted at the Moscow aquariums, —. «Indian pickerels». These fishes larger shapirok (about 8 sm). Males are very beautiful: on the goldish background the rows of the brilliant sulphur spangles ablaze in the reflected light are located, and plavniki are decorated by the orange-green dots-edging. The females differ comparatively by the pale colouring and zakruglennim end of anal plavnika which at males is sharp. Ikrometanie and development of caviar is the same, as well as at the previous kind. The fries are enough large and are at once able to feed on shallow tsiklopami. Optimum temperature of their maintenance 22—24 With, water is preferable soft, with the neutral reaction of environment.

Lineatus - Fishes also by birth from India, are similar with the visheopisannim kind, but still larger (about 10 sm) and naryadnee due to size and bright brilliance of rows of the emerald points symmetric stretching along all body of males, and orangevo-krasnoy edging of dorsal, anal and tail fins. Conduct these fishes approximately the same as fishes of visheopisannih kinds. Lineatusi less ugivchivi, than their sorodichi, so that they are to be better contained separately or with the more large neighbours. The development of caviar takes place in the same terms. The fries are large and viable. At their growing it is possible to dispense with microfood.

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