The plants of different breadths and types of reservoirs have different «tastes» in part of temperature, luminosity and quality of water (inflexibilities and reactions of rN).From number plants rooted in soil, simpler those which succeeds to be reared from the small wreckages of stems-handles prigivayutsya than all.
Lyudvigiya — plant making to use popularity at the home amateurs-aquariums more than one hundred years. Bright green, with rounded listyami, it well overgrows in the magnificent bush branching out from any fragment prikopannogo in sand. Prefers the bright illumination. In this case lower parties of its foliage acquire a reddish tint. In nature is water-bog plant. Overgrowing, its overhead escapes achieve a surface of water and continue to grow out it, beautifully let through the edge of aquarium down. Optimum temperature of water for this plant — a 20—22 degree.Peristolistnik — yugnoamerikanskoe plant; loves light and clear water. Its long fragile! the stems covered by the peristimi fluffy nitevidni-j mi by listyami of tender-green color are very beautiful. Well grows at the 18—20°S temperature. Lees which has to be periodically shaken off osedaet on its tender foliage, or it follows to delete senescent muddy stems, rejuvenating a fast-growing plant.
Motherland of this plant — South America. Grows long stems and pair suprotivnimi listyami fan-shaped and melkorassechennimi. The most fluffy beautiful plants develop at the good lateral illumination. Kabomba fine looks at oneself at landing by thin kurtinami. At the insufficient overhead illumination the stems stretch at the rare location of listev upwards. Prefers soft water and temperature 20—24 °S. Ploho prigivaetsya in the hard ferrous water.Elodei. The aquariums have to run into three near types of these plants.
Elodeya canadian Its long thin and fragile stems are thickly covered by the oblong shallow leaves. Well grows in the cool water — at temperature about 10 “With, captivating shallow reservoirs. Therefor name it still aquatic plague. In the room teplovodnih aquariums prigivaetsya badly, perishes in the hard water, especially with the admixture of salts of iron.More befit for the room aquariums of elodeya toothed with the lengthened oblong chlorine leaves and form near to it — elodeya curly, also with extended, but with the curled leaves. These plants not bad grow in aquariums with the net, regularly updated water, at the room temperature.

the most widespread and simple plants. Their listya as rather narrow ribbons of emerald color are very decorative and besides not strongly shade the lateral illumination, that important for other plants. The aquariums conduct vallisnerii two kinds. One of them, by birth from South Europe, differs by direct and long (50—60 sm) listyami. In the aquariums of sufficient depth at the overhead illumination of vallisneriya sometimes flowers by the shallow flowerets. They are two kinds: womanish — as long tubes with bell on end on spiralevidnih stilts and masculine — trilobate, on the short legs. In the shallow aquariums these plants lose, because their lengthened listya, attaining a surface, lie along it down, blocking a skylight and hindering to superficial aeratsii, and such overage juveniles look not so beautifully.Therefore in the aquariums of middle depth other type of vallisnerii is preferable — by birth from America, with spiralevidnimi listyami which do not outgrow in length. Vallisneriya with the linear foliage well gets along also in the holodnovodnih aquariums, and at the room temperature. Vallisneriya with spiralevidnimi listyami is more heat-loving. Prefer that and other kind updated clear water of aquariums and badly carry a brackish environment.(or yaponika) differs by wide (2—2,5 sm) rifle-green listyami. In the low aquariums at the good overhead illumination forms wide lanceolate listya on the long narrow petioles. Its motherland — south of North America. Above water flowers — as brushes of small white colors with the yellow stamens. The plant planted in sand develops enough slowly, but gradually types growth, forming the powerful root system transforming a sandy pound in silty substrat. This not always appropriately in the ordinary decorative aquarium, but very well, if aquarium — pool in the winter garden. Strelolisti and ordinary vallisneriya more successful effloresce after original yarovizatsii or stage of rest, when the plants save at the temperature 10—14 °With during a few weeks.

(or strelolist) looks like on vallisneriyu, but its listya of sableobraznoy form and more dark tint. This water-bog plant can form a surface tier of foliage on the long petioles in the form of tip of arrows. It very decorates an aquarium, but this not always comfortably, because possibility to cover it by glass disappears.Izoetis (helioharis) — elegant plant, having low (15—20 sm) threadlike chlorine listya growing small bunches. Well grows on the sandy pound, in the light, systematic refreshed water. The sizes and grace of plant do it by decoration of foregrounds of aquarium. At the lateral illumination of izoetis overgrows toward podsvetki and forces systematic to thin out its kurtini. At the overhead illumination to make the upgrade of kurtini more comfortable, deleting senescent its parts. It is possible to limit excrescence of plant, mortgaging in sand of strip of glass or plastic.Amazon — teplovodnie plants, by birth from America. Them there are a few kinds different on sizes. In the aquariums of middle sizes appropriately to conduct a «midget» amazon — beautiful, rifle-green plant as small bushes — electric outlets with lanceolate listyami long about 15 sm, at the width of about 4 sm on the short handles. Other meeting at our aquariums the kind is very beautiful, but its bushes with listyami long about 40 sm at width 5— 6 sm are bulky for the aquariums of middle sizes. Better grow in the soft, slightly sour water at the temperature 22—28 °S. Pri good illumination lower parties of listev acquire a reddish tint. Lately the list of plants of this family broadens due to delivery and other kinds.
— family which more than fifty kinds from the countries of East Asia are included in. Among them meet both large plants appropriate only for landing on backgrounds in the large aquariums, and shallow (12—15 sm) kinds suitable even for the small capacities. Kriptokarini differ by variety not only specific forms, but also by the considerable intraspecific changeability. So, comparatively not large kriptokarina Nevillya is known as shirokolistvennoe and as an uzkolistvennoe plant. Kriptokarini with lanceolate listyami have vague similarity with amazon, but petioles of their listev longer, the color is olive-green, and lower party of foliage russetAll kriptokarini are heat-loving. Optimum temperature for them 24—28 “With. Most beautiful the plants grow at the good, mainly overhead illumination. But at the same time they tenevinoslivi, grow in neutral or to the slabokisloy environment at the insignificant or middle inflexibility of water.For these plants brackish and alkaline (rN over 7,5) water is ruinous.Aponegeton — tender-green plant with long lanceolate listyami on the long petioles. Such listya develop at the lateral illumination and at the young plants. The floating leaves of more dense structure with the lustrous surface appear at the overhead illumination. Unlike the visheopisannih kinds the young plants appear not on the prikornevih sprouts, but on the long pointers in the layer of water. The tuber from which upwards listya of young aponegetona germinate appears on the end of pointer, and the counterfoils stretch downward. At the good terms a new pointer grows from this plant, and so appears whole chainlet of young plants. As far as their maturing of pointer become more fragile, and seat an underwood in the sandy soil. The plants better prigivayutsya in the teplovodnih aquariums (24—26 °With), at the soft, dissipated illumination in the old water with neutral or by the slabokisloy reaction.The aquariums-muscovites conduct an aquatic fern (tseratopteris) from a 1948 year. From the sole small small bush in the short space it was got the great number of the plants winning popularity at amateurs to conduct fishes thanks to its beauty and unpretentiousness. Plants with the chlorine fretted leaves achieving in length about 20 sm, propagates oneself by buds which appear in the great number on the ends of listev and then develop in the young plants. These daughter's small bushes, moving away from the maternal bush, emerge to the surface and can grow and propagate oneself, not fastened in soil. But the plants planted in sand at the overhead illumination develop much more magnificent. Fern — teplovodnoe plant, demanding to composition of water, but better grows in aquariums, where regularly update water.Senescent small bushes growing in soil, expediently systematic to replace by youths which on the first stage of development, not still obrosshie by the numerous daughters' rastenitsami, much more beautiful. — plant with the thin threadlike stems of chlorine color from the mutovkami narrow (1 — 1,5 mm) leaves long the no more than centimetre. The long stems of gidrilli branching out overgrow in the layer of water, not fastened in soil. Gidrilla is not demanding to the temperature and inflexibility of water. Although better grows in the updated environment. Any fragment of gidrilli, at the sufficient illumination, soon overgrows, captivating all free space. The anxiety of aquarium is taken to deleting of superfluous senescent lashes of gidrilli mainly.Along with the small bushes of young fern freely floating at surface this plant is special comfortably in aquariums with the fishes inclined to dig in soil, and also for the small capacities used for transplanting of fries or as spawning-grounds.(fontinalis) — inhabitant of cold running waters of middle bar of our motherland. Its thin stems thickly covered by the shallow leaves tuft, by fastened «koreshkami»-rizoidami to the stony bottom. Well prigivaetsya in the aquariums unwarmed up at the sufficient illumination and slightly by the sour or neutral reaction of water. In such terms overgrows, forming thickets of chlorine color. Declines in health in the warm, muddy water and at the alkaline reaction of environment.This plant badly prigivaetsya in aquariums with the warm water and exotic inhabitants, but very comfortably as substrata for ikrometaniya of fishes and as refuge for fries at breeding of the kinds inclined to the cannibalism.
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Great post on aquarium plants.
Great information will help many tend to their plants. You've went into great detail and will help many for sure.
Great blog!
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
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