These tiny fishes deserve a record in the Guiness book as the most little vertebrates, males of which grow no more than 2 sm, and females — about 3,5 see

Besides males of these fishes have disproportionate long gonopodiy (anal plavnik serving by the organ of impregnation), which makes a half or hardly more of length of same fish. Females, in the tiny taurus of which, it would seem, there is no place for maturing of brood of fries, give comparatively large little people, bringing them into the world at intervals only in 2—5 days — one by one or on couple. These fishes have the modest colouring: on the fawn background the dark bar and row of transversal strips of the same color stretch along all body; belly svetlookrashennoe.
Certainly, these tiny fishes need a shallow living forage. At them peaceful, ugivchiviy disposition, but to contain them better separately or in the company of girardinusov, because the other fishes will offend so little neighbours if not attacking them, but taking in tsiklopov intended to them. As well as girardinusi, do not eat formozi fries up. Not bad feel at the ordinary room temperature, but more successful propagate oneself at 24—25 °With.
Motherland of these fishes — North America.
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