The initial form of cardinals is very attractive. This is elegant progonistaya fish painted in the russet tones with the goldish bar along all body and red plavnikami. The young cardinals which the bar along body shines at by the dark blue-green color are especially good. Presumably, this original identification signal for sorodichey, similar call Maugli: «We one blood.», appropriate in association of these peaceful fishes, which do not eat up a neither caviar nor fries, and live in the overgrowing shallow reservoirs with the not always clear water.
Fishes are undemanding to composition of water, not bad feel at the ordinary room temperature, although for their growth and spawning are optimum 22—24 °S. Pri maintenance of flock of these fishes in the separate aquarium cropped with kurtinami of plants at the low water level, they successfully propagate oneself without transplanting in the special spawning-ground. Of course, in such terms of fries grows from the shortage of mikrokorma less, but such reproduction is enough for the timely filling of natural departure of fishes in, the life of which proceeds one and a half-two year. At the group maintenance, thus in group it is desirable to have males there are more of females in 1,5—2 times, each of which throws all for a few ikrinok (2—5) daily during 3—4 weeks, whereupon the period of rest follows about one and a half weeks, and then the cycle repeats oneself.
At the desire to get and save a maximal quantity of odnovozrastnoy molodi, males and females are held by about 10 days separately, and then transplant in spawning-ground by depth about 20 sm, where the female throws on 20—30 ikrinok simultaneously, as though compensating the forced delay of daily ikrometaniya. The development of ikrinok proceeds about two days. In the larval stage molod is immobile and develops due to the geltochnogo bubble, and as soon as the fries begin to float, the mikrokorm is necessary to them. Adult by male from females distinguish more slender forms, while females completer.
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