As well as haplohilusi, these fishes are characterized by the prolate, progonistoy form of bodies, brightness and variety of colouring of males, than they differ from the modestly painted and more shallow females also. Some of them put aside a caviar in the carpet of supernatant plants, other throw it on soil of the shallow reservoirs drying up, whereupon the females perish, leaving a caviar able to be saved during drought, that with a new period of rains to continue a relay race of life in the revived temporal reservoirs.
These very beautiful fishes do not suit for the general decorative aquarium, because are shortlived, and for breeding need the special terms But the it is interesting to master their breeding to the naturalist-amateur.Pied fundulus — small, about 6 sm, fish painted in the korichnevo-krasnie tones, with plavnikami, orangevo-krasnimi, blue and crimson strips painted gay in colours, having liroobrazniy lengthened tail plavnik with the serebristo-belimi sharp edges. Females more shallow than males, with the tails rounded off, brownish, with dim reddish krapom. Conduct fundulusov at the temperature of 22—24°S, water is necessary to them soft, slightly sourish, height of its level in spawning-ground 5—7 sm, as soil use a peat crumb boiled and washed down. Ikrometanie of fishes takes place almost daily. In one reception female of vimetivaet about ten ikrinok in the superficial carpet from richchii or on soil. The terms of development of caviar strongly vary: on the average it develops for two weeks. Getting of soil, sharp lowering dry, as well as rise of temperature, can put on brakes development of ikrinok. But after pause, at the hit in the refreshed soft water with the slabokisloy reaction ripening passes speed-up, as well as becomes in the environmental conditions with the offensive of period of rains. Overcoming an early stage of feed by mikrokormom, molod grows and develops at the railway speed, becoming polovozreloy in age about three months.
Fundulus gulyaris (blue of fundulus) — most large among these types of fishes. Males achieve 12 sm, females some more shallow. Perhaps, the most beautiful representative of group has a body painted gay in colours by the blue arabesques with the red points and strokes, and style of colouring it is complemented mnogotsvetem plavnikov of fish. Is especially beautiful lengthened tail plavnik of male in the form of trident. However, male is so good-looking only, the females are painted much paler.Spawn gulyarisi at the temperature 22—24 °S. Voda it is required to them slightly sour, torfyanikovaya, soft, with addition of culinary salt from computation 1 tea-spoon on 10 litres of water, soil — peat crumb boiled and washed thoroughly. The caviar of fish is buried in soil, its development proceeds from one and a half about three months, with the latent stage. By shove to development of caviar podsushivanie of soil serves with caviar and subsequent apartment of it in the fresh defended water of the quality required for fundulusov. The large fries are reared by shallow tsiklopom.— subspecies of previous. Differs by the less sizes (about 9 sm), predominance in okrase of orange and reddish tones. The terms of breeding are similar to visheopisannim.
Kalliurus — small (about 6 sm) fish. Male is painted in the brownish tones with prozelenyu, on background which the mineral deposit places red spots. Dorsal, anal and tail fins — three-color, bluish at foundation, with the red bar in the middle and by the yarko-geltoy edging. Females more shallow and are painted in the faded dun tones. The terms for spawning are similar to visheopisannim, eliminating addition of salt. Layer of water for them 5—7 sm, spawn in richchiyu or directly on the peaty soil. The development of caviar takes place approximately for two weeks, in the moist peat. At lowering or at the rise of temperature about 30 °With the development of caviar is detained about 6 weeks and passes by the speed-up rate at creation of the normal mode in the more fresh soft water at temperature 22— 24 “With. Polovozrelimi fishes become in age about three months.
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