All barbusi — ugivchivie, peaceful fishes feeding on the shallow living forage with addition of nitchatki and other tender greenery, not harming to the aquarium plants.

Prefer withstanding, but rich in oxygen water soft, slightly kisluyu. They are contained at the temperature 24—26 °With, in the period of spawning — at 26—28 “With. For spawning of fishes transplant in the shallow aquariums by capacity from 15 litres with water of the required temperature. Thickly cover a bottom by the aquatic moss or other plants. Adult fishes eat its caviar up, and even during ikrometaniya. Aquarium plants hinder to this. After spawning of producers immediately delete. The caviar develops during 1—4 days. Aeratsiya of water is thus desirable by blowing through. Safety of developing caviar darkening of part of spawning-ground with plants and caviar is instrumental in. And the free space lighted up by the rather narrow strip of light attracts infusoria, serving by food of fries, which begin to float and feed after the larval stage lasting 3—4 days.
Most widespread and undoubtedly the most beautiful kinds: barbusi-sumatranusi, black, cherry and fiery barbusi. Last from the transferred kinds along with the initial form gives aquarium fishes with lengthened vualevimi plavnikami. The hybrid form of sumatranusov is no less interesting and black by the barbusov combinations of velvet-black, silvery and bright red tones.
Determine success in breeding of all types of barbusov, foremost, good terms of growing of future producers — water, temperature, luminosity of aquarium and oxygen mode, and also sufficient and various feeding. Acquired adult fishes only in the rare cases turn out successful producers. At a new proprietor the microclimate in its aquariums will certainly differ from terms in which lived purchased adult fishes. Besides they can turn out oldish for breeding or zagirevshimi, if raised them at the good feeding, but in the not enough spacious aquarium. Therefore best of all to acquire ten of fries, to rear them in aquarium by capacity no less than 50 litres, and when they will become polovozrelimi (in 6—8 months), to use for breeding. Males from females differ, foremost, by the more slender body, while females some pribryushisti. As for fiery and cherry barbusov, their females are painted not so brightly. For week to landing on spawning of males and females better to hold separately.
Most widespread and undoubtedly the most beautiful kinds: barbusi-sumatranusi, black, cherry and fiery barbusi. Last from the transferred kinds along with the initial form gives aquarium fishes with lengthened vualevimi plavnikami. The hybrid form of sumatranusov is no less interesting and black by the barbusov combinations of velvet-black, silvery and bright red tones.
Determine success in breeding of all types of barbusov, foremost, good terms of growing of future producers — water, temperature, luminosity of aquarium and oxygen mode, and also sufficient and various feeding. Acquired adult fishes only in the rare cases turn out successful producers. At a new proprietor the microclimate in its aquariums will certainly differ from terms in which lived purchased adult fishes. Besides they can turn out oldish for breeding or zagirevshimi, if raised them at the good feeding, but in the not enough spacious aquarium. Therefore best of all to acquire ten of fries, to rear them in aquarium by capacity no less than 50 litres, and when they will become polovozrelimi (in 6—8 months), to use for breeding. Males from females differ, foremost, by the more slender body, while females some pribryushisti. As for fiery and cherry barbusov, their females are painted not so brightly. For week to landing on spawning of males and females better to hold separately.
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