Also shirokotelie, uploshennie from sides fishes pressing visheopisannih fishes in hearts and aquariums of amateurs thanks to the more intensive colouring of body and plavnikov.
That and other kind are painted in the red color of tender rozoveyushih tones with red plavnikami, except for spinal, which has a black with the white mount. The representatives of both kinds are similar between itself. Serpasov distinguishes only dark transversal bar on the forehand of body. Both kind easily cross between itself, and to the modern aquariums in most cases it has to have business with the hybrid fishes. Albinos are the minor keys got Moscow amateurs in the middle of fiftieth years, pinky, semilucent fishes with the same plavnikami — are very beautiful. But crossing of them with fishes of initial forms diminishes intensity of the natural colouring at posterity.Terms of maintenance and breeding — general for haratsinovih. The spawning-ground must be darkened.
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