The sort of these fishes dwelling on the American continent includes eight kinds. The aquariums of our country conduct the representatives of three types of mollinezii — sfenops, lyatipina and velifera.
The Mollineziya sfenops most widespread kind comparatively simple fishes fine getting along and in soft and in the hard water at the temperature 22—24 °With. In the aquariums of female of this kind achieve 8—10 sm of length, males shorter on 2 see As well as aquarium most fishes, they become small at growing in the little aquariums, and especially at overpopulation. Presumably, products of vital functions of fishes, attaining in water of definite concentration, render the braking influence on growth of aquarium nurse-children. In addition, in the large aquarium with plants and with the old water richer vegetable and animal mikroflora which serves by the additional stimulus of growth and development of fishes, especially on the early stages.The initial (wild) form of this type of mollinezii has a rather yellow or silvery background of colouring, on which are sparse velvety, - or bluish-black spots. At aquariums the velvet-black form of this type of mollinezii, shown out by the artificial selection, makes most popularity to use. However and ponine from the black producers at times the spotted fishes which the black scales are alternated at silvery and bluish-green give birth, as at the initial form.The last years the list of aquarium black molli was filled up by scarf and by the vilchatimi fishes with the lengthened dorsal and tail fins.On one of exhibitions of aquarium fishes in Moscow the hybrids of mollineziy and guppi, got as a result of the natural coupling, were exhibited. Fishes turned out are very interesting by form and to colouring, but, unfortunately, were sterile.(sail)— this is magnificent fishes, which got its name for the enormous dorsal fin having a form of wrong quadrangle with the overhead edges rounded off. This decoration is incident only to the adult males reared in the optimum terms. Such males prikovivayut the looks not only by the extraordinary sizes and form of dorsal fin, but also by the originalneyshey colouring of body and plavnikov. On the general background of uneye-catching silvery-yellow scale glitter to greenish, blue, by the goldish and red tints ablaze points located by the symmetric rows. Spinal plavnik-parus-sail is bordered on top by the bar of the points glimmered by the red and dark blue color, and tail plavnik rounded off is marked up by the dark blue spangles. This the most large fishes from mollineziy; on motherland adult males achieve length of body 15 sm, in aquariums they grow about 12 see The females of this kind are painted much paler and have not a parusovidnogo dorsal fin.Veliferi are first left in our country in a 1913 year. But up to a 1941 year they remained large rareness. In the post-war years again left them from the countries of Western Europe. However and ponine they remain very rare decoration of collections of the most experimental amateurs.These fishes develop comparatively slowly. Males achieve the proper colouring only on the second year of life. At the failure of optimum terms of growing to observe fishes remain greyish and do not grow its above all decoration — luxurious dorsal fin.Mollineziya lyatipina is characterized by the less sizes and more awkward form of parusovidnogo dorsal fin of males. This as though diminished form of veliferi, and in the net kind is practically unknown to our aquariums. Part of the fishes urgent veliferami and visokoplavnichnimi black molli, carry in itself the lines of this kind, presumably, metizirovannogo at crossing with two visheopisannimi mollineziyami.
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