Fights of opponents, as well as caring for during spawning, very interesting spectacle. The excited opponents as though blossom by the bright paints. Their demonstrative poses of bodies with dissolute by plavnikami and branchial lids stuck out with the poured by blood reddening branchiaes salient from under them are wondrous beautiful. A the fight is cruel and persistent so that at times ends with death of one of scrappers, and even both. Sometimes they break off the fight with ragged plavnikami, quite often with the lips torn off or with the loss of eyes. Presumably, exactly the colourfulness and persistence of these original tournaments generated fascination of habitants indo-chinese by the fights of fishes, erected in status hardly whether national sport attracting a great number of audience and office worker by the article of large bets. Tell, that incandescence of passions during the fight of fishes is to not less, than on ippodromnih skachkah or on the soccer battles.
The so cruel games are alien to the home aquariums. But they served by the serious stimulus of domestication of fighter fishes on their motherland and subsequent destroying of the varied forms of magnificent cockerels with long plavnikami ablaze by the mother-of-pearl brilliance of scarlet, dark blue and emerald colors.
Females of cockerels — unattractive fishes with short plavnikami rounded off, although in the marriage mood and they become some brighter. Males, even poluvzroslie, differ by the more saturated colouring of bodies and lengthened plavnikami. Now the aquariums conduct fishes: with the scale of corporal color and bright red plavnikami, completely red, dark blue and green fishes or cockerels of mixed okrasa, plavniki of which overflow by the rainbow of all these colors.
In the quiet state and, especially at the drop in the temperature of fish some fade, priopuskaya plavniki and partly losing a brightness. But at the least excitation they adopt battle poses, dismiss plavniki and glitter by the brightness of colouring. To admire by them in such state, well to hold males in the lengthened aquariums-screens parted by the glass partitions. However, to drive a cockerel to the battle mood, it is enough to show it the own reflection, setting to glass of aquarium small mirror. Are most beautiful even in the quiet mood of fish of red color or corporal with red plavnikami.
Unfortunately, these charming fishes are shortlived. Duration of their life only one and a half-two year. Terms of their maintenance and breeding — general for the labyrinth fishes.
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