Not at once became known, that at itself on the motherland of fish live in the small rivers slowly current in the dusk of tropical forest. Under its pologom always not enough light, silty soil is dark, and the surface of water is cluttered up by the foliage falling off. The necessity of shading of spawning-grounds of neons for the normal development of caviar and larvae is exactly fated to these. The second provision of their maintenance — quality of water in the places of the natural dwelling of neons. The natural reservoirs lie on the silty peaty soils and accordingly have slightly a sourish reaction at the almost complete absence of soluble mineral matters. And they are filled up by threads of rain-water, I.e. almost distilled. By shove to beginning of spawning serves not only at neons, but also at the tropical most fishes upgrade of waters by the rain threads.

Not at once the aquariums knew all this. Still later they learned to create the required terms for these choosy nurse-children. During the row of years success in breeding of these wonderful and in that pore of very dear fishes accompanied to the aquariums of the small German small town supplying with these fishes in the entire countries of Europe. The «secret» of the so successful breeding of them consisted in composition local water which were made to use by habitants and including lucky aquariums. And in our country the neons are left in a 1955 year, when them learned to conduct aquariums of many countries.
For spawning of neons, as well as other haratsinovih is used by the tselnosteklyannie aquariums. Forasmuch as these fishes are very sensible even to the insignificant change of composition of water due to the admixtures of salts of metals or chemical matters, can get in the water contiguous with framework and aquarium putty. Pour water of the proper quality by layer about 10 see Vidergivayut the producers of different chaffs before spawning separately during 10 days. Place them in spawning-ground by pairs from evening, shading it from every quarter so that the dissipated light penetrated only from above by the narrow bar. Spawning takes place usually at dawn, whereupon transplant the producers. The caviar develops in the flow of days in darkness at the spawning 22—24°S temperature. The larvae hang on the walls of vessel and melkolistvennih plants and stay still to rassasivaniya of geltochnogo bubble about 4 days. Then they begin to float and feed on infusoria, kolovratkami or egg yolk. Preferably to feed them with the living mikrokormom in the conditions of the black-out aquarium examined with x-rays by the bar of dim light. The fries grow quickly and become polovozrelimi approximately for a 4 month. Besides the pair breeding landing is practiced on spawning of group of neons from 10—12 fishes in spawning-ground by capacity about 20 litres and more at the depth of aquatic post 15—20 see
In aquariums conduct neons of two kinds: neon and red neon. First measuring about 3,5 sm, male it a bit more shallow than female, is painted gay in colours by the bright dark blue-green bar along all body, under which from pectoral plavnikov to the tail lower its part reddens by the so bright «neon» light. Red neon hardly larger and still naryadnee, because at it bright red all lower part. By the falling even insignificant light the fishes glitter to ruby and by the overflowing emerald and turquoise paints, like jewels. And in the dusk of tropical reservoirs such colouring secures to these covey fishes the permanent visual contact with relatives.
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