This is comparative large (about 10 sm) fish with uploshennim, compressed from sides by the body of silvery color with two spots, on each side and at foundation of tail. Male from female differs by the some prolate and sharp dorsal fin. In the marriage mood the male becomes brighter.
Terms of breeding — general for the labyrinth fishes, but spawning apartment in accordance to the sizes of fishes it is necessary more spacious, approximately 20 litres at the height of water post about 15 see Temperature of maintenance of 22—24°S, spawning 26—28°S. The development of caviar takes place for period about 48 hours.
Along with the initial form the aquariums conduct so-called golubih of gurami, the body of which is painted in the bluish-grey color without spots on each side, and also marble gurami, different dark, «marble» picture by spots on body. These varieties of the same kind cross between itself and in posterity give the greater or less throwing of colour variations about in accordance with the initial producers.
Pearl gurami

— the most good-looking representative of family, left in our country at the beginning of fiftieth years. Orangevo-krasnie lower part of head and belly and numberless spots ablaze by the pearl brilliance on all body and plavnikam in combination with the dark bar stretching from eyes to foundation of tail, create an unique look of this remarkable fish. The females differ by the more modest colouring and rounded dorsal fin which at males has the lengthened form and achieves foundation of tail. Beauty and brightness of dress of these fishes fully show up on achievement of puberty at the 26—28°S temperature. Spawning temperature — 28—30°S.
These fishes prefer net, rich in oxygen, withstanding water, in aquarium with thick kurtinami of submarine vegetation and floating plants, at the low water level. Capacity of spawning-ground not less than 40 litres. Pisces form permanent pairs of producers. In relation to other fishes these gurami are non-aggressive.
We set up a tank a few weeks ago and got two pearl gurmamis. At first they were swimming together, but then one started chasing the slightly smaller one. The smaller one is now staying in a corner. When he does come out, the lateral stripe dissapears on the head. back in his corner the stripe comes back. Is this a problem? What can we do about it?
Have you tried to give any leaf on your tank? The pearl gouramy also need some leaf to build a nest.
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