The silvery, oblate from sides body of this fish with the luxurious dorsal and anal fins gives to these fishes shape of half moon. Their beauty is aggravated by the net brilliance of silvery scale, shaded by the transversal black bars on body, transitory and on plavniki.
Such is an initial form of skalyariy, getting in the aquariums of amateurs from pool Amazonki. In Russia they first appeared at the beginning of age and since remain one of favourite decorations of the aquariums appealing by originality and nobleness of forms of colouring and manner of swimming. Besides skalyarii, demanding to the cleanness of the water saturated by oxygen, at high its level, are simply created, that by them admired in the large aquarium-screen equip modern with amenities with the whole group of these remarkable fishes.The Аквариумист-selectionist gets from breeding a skalyariy gladness, working above perfection and fixing in heredity of its nurse-children of the varied signs of varieties: black, smoke-coloured, silvery, vualevih and their derivative.
Reared in association of fishes of other kinds, skalyarii are enough tolerant in the relationships with the inhabitants of general aquarium. But the maintenance of whole group of representatives of this kind in the separate aquarium most interestingly and besides allows to select the folded pairs of producers. Their education well notedly on manner to stick together, to aspiration to win back its territory and to the manner of preparation of place for ikrometaniya. Thus the couple begins carefully to clear the areas of glass or submarine plants select by it from mucus and obrastayushih water-plants. And because every copy of skalyariy has its individuality, selecting the formed pair for transplantation in spawning-ground is not difficultly.
Composition of water for the life and breeding of skalyariy does not matter. Optimum temperature of maintenance of 22—24°S, spawning — 26—30°S. Aeratsiya of water by blowing through is necessary.
The parents care of caviar and molodi in the early age. During development of caviar (approximately three days) of skalyarii quite often carry it on other sheet of plant or on other area of glass. The larval stage of development of molodi proceeds about 5 days, whereupon fries already freely float and do not need guardianship of producers. Sexual distinctions at skalyariy are poorly expressed, although the heads of males look some more massive, and the forehead is more protuberant.
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