In the natural terms meet petsilii razlichnih okrasov: rather yellow-grey, black and red. The selection work of aquariums considerably enriched a palette of colors which differ domashnie nurse-children of this kind.
The red and black varieties of petsilii, shvartsi and rubri, left in Russia still at the beginning of age, make most distribution to use. The selection work with shvartsami is conducted in order to rear issinya-chernih fishes with the large scales gleaming by the color bright blue without otmetin of reddish-red color on a head and stomach. Such fishes appear as a result of crossing with red petsiliyami. The aquariums which conduct petsilii rubra aspire to destroying possibly of more bright individuals of the saturated scarlet. From the beginning of fiftieth years of collection of inveterate aquariums were filled up petsiliyami: goldish, black-speckled, black with red plavnikami and red with black plavnikami, marble and mirror fishes with the bluish reflection on sides.
Along with the initial colour varieties of petsilii are shown out vualevie, scarf and vilchatie forms.
The selectionists choosing definite direction in the pedigree work with petsiliyami do not assume crossing of different varieties of its nurse-children, hardly vibrakovivayut intermediate forms, labouring for the stable transmission to posterity of paternal signs. As well as viviparous most fishes, petsilii are characterized by the peaceful disposition and well get along with other fishes. But molod of petsilii on the early stages more successful is saved and grows, if is reared separately from other fishes.
Along with the initial colour varieties of petsilii are shown out vualevie, scarf and vilchatie forms.
The selectionists choosing definite direction in the pedigree work with petsiliyami do not assume crossing of different varieties of its nurse-children, hardly vibrakovivayut intermediate forms, labouring for the stable transmission to posterity of paternal signs. As well as viviparous most fishes, petsilii are characterized by the peaceful disposition and well get along with other fishes. But molod of petsilii on the early stages more successful is saved and grows, if is reared separately from other fishes.
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