Simplicity of breeding and undemanding of guppi at one time served by the reason of that, that the experienced aquariums left off to count them by interesting and the maintenance of these fishes became destiny of only young and beginning amateurs. But it so was to the middle of fiftieth years only, when aquariums of our country, yes, perhaps, and whole world, again became interested guppi, as one of interesting objects of selection work.
Simplicity of breeding and undemanding of guppi at one time served by the reason of that, that the experienced aquariums left off to count them by interesting and the maintenance of these fishes became destiny of only young and beginning amateurs. But it so was to the middle of fiftieth years only, when aquariums of our country, yes, perhaps, and whole world, again became interested guppi, as one of interesting objects of selection work.

Noticing an extraordinary variety of colouring and forms of males of guppi, the aquariums began to conduct the directed selection in order to strengthen and fasten most interesting features of these fishes. As a result it succeeded to get the great number of varieties of guppi. Fishes are shown out with the lengthened and extraordinarily wide dorsal fins — scarf, with the prolate tags of tails — vilchatie, with the wide and very long tails of the most various forms — vualevie. Was simultaneously selected for the receipt of bright tones and various colouring of these remarkable fishes. On the annual competitions which from a 1958 year are conducted in Moscow, demonstrate the guppi most different colouring: smaragdovih, scarlet, blue, velvety-dark blue, multicoloured, as a shemahanskiy carpet, carpet and dr.
Destroying of new varieties different by the maximum development and stability of desirable signs led away the most experimental aquariums. Fixing of cultivated, as a rule hypertrophied, signs, for example, enormous tail plavnika, requires knowledge of laws of heredity, able selection and blizkorodstvennogo selection of pairs. But the family breeding is impossible to be conducted for ever and ever. Periodically it has to refresh a blood of these surprising fishes, and thus it is not simply to save qualities of initial producers, transmission of which, as a rule, relies on the recession genes.
Uneasily to rear also future champions. If usual shallow and short-tailed fishes grow at any room temperature, satisfied by the small jar and monotonous forage, other terms need to the elite fishes. The temperature in the virostnom aquarium is necessary within the limits of 24—26 “With. By capacity an aquarium must be from 50 litres and more, forage it is required to fishes various and only living. Future record-holders — males and females — seat separately, as soon as it will be possible to distinguish their belonging to that or other floor. This is necessary both for the correct selection of pairs, and in order that the premature pubescence did not brake growth and development of sapling.
However all these difficulties by no means do not scare inveterate amateurs. With every year the assortment of aquariums guppi is enriched by new varieties. Competitions and exhibitions attract all more of participants and visitors. And many of those, who first became acquainted with this enthralling world of amateurs, become inveterate selectionists.
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