This was one of the first haratsinovih fishes divorced by our aquariums still at the beginning of the thirtieth years. The forehand of body is silvery-rose with three dark transversal bars. Back-end, the dorsal, tail and anal fins are red, last at male — with the dark edging. At good samochuvstvii fishes are painted by the saturated rose-red tones as though luminous by the falling light. For what and they got its Russian name. But at the drop in the temperature of water, starvation and even at the fright of paint instantly fade. They are not so demanding to quality of water, as majority and sorodichey, however better feel and more successful spawn in the soft water at the neutral reaction Temperature of the maintenance 20—24 °With, spawning -26—28 “With. It is spawned in kurtinah of melkolistvennih plants which it hangs on, as though glued. The development of ikrinok takes place about days. The larval stage flows 3—4 days. On its ending the fries do not float in the layer of water, but as though creep on the leaves of plants and bottom of spawning-ground in search of mikrokorma. Prefer water defended, transparent, saturated by oxygen due to the vital functions of plants at good their illumination.
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