The forefather of goldfish is considered a silver European carp which the numerous domesticated forms or breeds were shown from out. These fishes on the motherland of its creators and in Japan since olden times were by the living decorations of ponds and pools in the palace gardens, and their grotesque derivative, especially valued for its original exterior, were contained in the inlying rests and winter gardens in the ornamental waters or giant porcelain vases-aquariums. Already at the beginning of our millennium the culture of breeding of goldfishes became property of Japan and Korea. And the Europeans began to import, and then and to conduct them, since the seventeenth age. During three hundred years the goldfish pervenstvovala in the list of aquarium nurse-children for its beautiful and original look, and also for unpretentiousness in the feed and, that especially important, for power to live in the conditions of considerable daily allowance and seasonal overfalls of the temperatures inevitable at the stove heating of dwelling. In our time this left off to be by the deciding factor and goldfish was «pressed» by the exotic heat-loving kinds. But many save loyalty of the eldest attachment of aquariums. The selectionists, aspiring to breeding of especially interesting varieties, receipt of new forms and fixing of their properties in posterity, behave toward them. In this plan breeding of these fishes presents a vast field for the experiment and creation.Goldfish — this domesticated form of silver European carp, saving a look of its forefather, but considerably changing in part of colouring. The most widespread colouring of these by fish — zolotisto-krasnaya, for what fish and got its name. However the Chinese selectionists managed considerably to enrich a palette of paints, eyes of amateurs making happy. Goldfishes are shown out albinos tender-rose, with the transparent scale and bescheshuynie forms, fishes of serebristo-belogo color, pied fishes of red color of all tints with black silvery and mother-of-pearl colors by spots in the most different combinations. Curiously, that in the early age molod of goldfishes has colouring of its wild forefather, and is painted in the colors of the cultivated forms from the polutoramesyachnogo age of about year, in accordance with the very «pied» heredity.
— shortened format fish with divided tail plavnikom downward and at times far exceeding handing down a size of body of fish.
is characterized, foremost, by the protuberant eyes different by form and orientation. The telescopes of the more exaggerated forms and size of eyes are valued, and also with vualevimi swallow-tails.

— also shirokotelaya variety, the head of which is decorated by the cap of original growths, usually bright red.Into each of these varieties cultivate fishes different on colors and their combinations on the structure of body and plavnikov, on the structure of present scale or its absence. As a result of crossing of these varieties between itself in every brood the great number of intermediate forms turns out, and part of molodi turns out is near to its forefathers — to goldfish and silver European carp. Heredity of the most interesting exaggerated forms, as a rule, carries a recession poligenniy character, and fixing of necessary properties in posterity turns out heavy, but that by the more enthralling task.However the ordinary «melkotravchatomu» amateur of these fishes has to be satisfied simply by reproduction of the producers pleasing to it forasmuch as the directed selection of these fishes requires the very large aquarium economy, for growing of great number of molodi, with subsequent vibrakovkoy of swingeing majority of the fishes deviating from the desirable type. To. raising the most valuable copies to the same is more difficult, because signs most interesting from point of aquarium, for example, enormous eyes of telescope, luxurious shleyf vualehvosta or exaggerated forms of body of shubunkinov, are not functional for fishes. And their presence is accompanied by the losses of giznestoykosti. But all these difficulties do not scare authentic enthusiasts aspiring to the receipt of ultraporodnih fishes and to fixing of their heredity. That exhausting to one amateur, successfully do the unions of like-minded persons, their clubs, sections or simply friendly collectives of the men enthusiastic by the common cause.Composition of water for fishes of substantial value has not, sharp its changes are undesirable only. The same behaves toward the temperature condition also. The optimum temperature room, 16—20°S, although fishes well carry the changes in that and other parties within the limits of 10°S.All varieties of goldfishes are unpretentious to the forage and possess an excellent appetite, with all effluent consequences. And this stipulates a necessity to systematic, not rarer than 1—2 time per a week, substitutions of water in aquarium at the simultaneous cleaning of bottom.A spawning-ground must be sufficient volume -30—50 litres and more at the depth of water 20—26 sm with the 22—24°S temperature. Fishes spawn in the dreg of melkolistnih plants (elodeya, aquatic moss, miriofillum and dr.). The mature, well reared females throw a lot of caviar ( one and a half-two thousand ikrinok and more). After spawning of producers delete, and in spawning-ground it is desirable to support the necessary oxygen mode by blowing through. The development of caviar proceeds about four days, larval stage — two days. Beginning to float and feed, the fries need an enough body of shallow tsiklopov and its larvae — «pili»» protsegivaemimi through muslin. Bringing in a forage is needed systematic, but measuring out its quantity in accordance with the appetites of molodi in order to avoid spoilage of water from its pereizbitka.As far as growth of molodi it is necessary to assort the fries in accordance with their uneven development. Polovozrelimi fishes become in age 1-2 years. Life-span goldfishes more 3th years, the korotkotelie forms live vdvoe-vtroe less. Molod begins to be painted in of four weeks age, is fully painted in half-year and later.
1 comment:
Goldfish are a great fish to start off with. I like your goldfish photos. I know the telescope goldfish are very unique and cool looking. May look weird to some but I like them. They look great in an aquarium along with other types like the red cap oranda. Red cap orandas are among my favourite as they are so showy in a tank.
Keep up the great work on your blog. The more information you tell people the better. Good job!
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
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