The other members of flock of these fishes float with the large or less inclination of forehand of body ahead and downward. The angle of slope is determined by the grade position of fish in flock. So, subdominant — second on grade in flock fish — sticks to only with the small inclination. The angle of slope at swimming of the other fishes is determined by its position in the covey hierarchy, increased as far as the decrease of their «authority» in association. Fishes occupying more high position in flock strictly watch, that the «lower ranks did not lift up a nose». Fugleman and its close stick to in the middle of covey and much rarer become victims of predators, than their weak «lower ranks», which make as though a living barrier guarding the best in association.In maintenance all danio are simple, although these extraordinarily mobile fishes need sufficient space for swimming. The forage is preferable to living, proper to the sizes of fishes. Temperature of maintenance — ordinary room, at preparation to spawning — 22—24 “With, spawning — 24—26 “With.Producers, two males and one female, seat in spawning-ground from evening, and ikrometanie, as a rule, takes place with sunrise, at the rise of temperature to the spawning norm. Adult fishes eat up its caviar, therefore after ikrometaniya of them it is needed to delete. The caviar develops about two days, the larval stage passes in immobility. When the fries begin to float, rear them by infusoria or other mikrokormom, in the worst case — by the egg powder. As far as growth the fries pass to the feed by shallow tsiklopami, dafniyami, by trubochnikom and motilem.Danio rerio is conducted by the home aquariums from the beginning of age. This little, about 5 sm, elegant fishes, bodies and plavniki of which are covered alternate by the misya longitudinal strips of navy blue and goldish colors. For such colouring they got the in the everyday use Russian name «lady stocking». Fishes are peaceful and can be by decoration of both specific and general aquarium.The point danio on sizes and picture of bars is similar with rerio, but, unlike it, lower part of body and anal plavnik are covered by no strips, but bluish-dark blue points. These fishes easily cross with danio rerio, so that in the pometah hybrid fishes throwing of signs of that and other kind is not uncommon about.Rose danio some larger than visheopisannih, but the same slender and mobile fish. The body of this fish is painted in the bluish-rose tones ablaze in the reflected light. This is aggravated by liveliness of fishes, a flock of which is in the permanent motion. Terms of maintenance and breeding — general for all family. Easily crosses with other types of danio.Leopard danio hardly more shallow than previous, differs by its colouring. On the zolotisto-geltomu background all body of these fishes is painted gay in colours by the dark spots, for what they and got its name. This also covey peaceful fishes simple and comparatively simple in breeding.Malabarskiy danio — the most large representative of family. On its motherland achieves length 15 sm, in aquariums it on 5 sm shorter. Fishes are painted gay in colours by the bluish-dark blue and zolotisto-geltimi bars. In accordance with its sizes and liveliness of disposition, need the more spacious apartment, than their shallow sorodichi. At maintenance in flock especially interestingly to look after the group conduct of these fishes. In the relationships with other kinds — peaceful. In breeding — pair. Terms of maintenance and breeding — general for the representatives of all family, but spawning-ground it must be more spacious — with the area of bottom no less than 1000 sm2.
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