With this Gusev V.G. fish is to the acquaintance under an obligation pre to the red book of founder of home aquarium of Nick Fedorovicha Zolotnitskogo - «Aquarium of amateur ». It is written surprisingly warmly and vividly, as were able to write best minds of end of silver age. The first edition of book of opublikova but in a 1882 year. Then, complemented by author, the book was repeatedly reprinted still in the dorevolyutsion nie years and as a priceless rarity was saved in not many libraries of inveterate bibliophiles only. The modern reader can become acquainted with it on reediting of a 1993 year (the publishing «Terra house »). Carried motrya on the worthy «age » this book, in it mno go information interesting and necessary to modern ak variumistu, and every its page contains neuvya giving givinku which privnosit in the printing labour nothing new. The head about gorchake is further led, written with this remarkable av torus.
«Gorchak.- Rhodeus amarus. Little, never achieving more than three inches fish led in all Western Europe, and at us mainly in Poland and on Volini. However, the distribution of it has not expressly outlined scopes and depends on at sutstviya in waters of Unio and Anadonta shellfishes, in the dvu folding shells of which female of gorchaka, as we will see further, is wont to lay its caviar.
Water of gorchak loves quiet, shallow. On bistri can not stick to on same to storage of its body. Meets in rivers and lakes mainly, in trudge dah very rarely, because there meet rarer and you are shenazvannie shellfishes. Soil prefers pescha niy. Plants growing in those waters, where it lives, mainly kuga, goroshitsa (Potomageton) and kuv shinka (Nimphea or Numphar). Feeds on preimushe stvenno nitchatkoy, water-plants (diatomeyami)from which, probably, meat it and got bitter taste serving by subject for the name of it tasting bitter who.
Gorchak meets in comparatively small to lichestve, together with eltsom, by podleshikom and that on by the dobnoy small fry. Spawns in April - May, and not restitsya, probably, by flocks.
In the usual time of gorchak color silvery, the back is greenish, strip going from middle those la and gradually narrowing to the tail, bluish, plavniki is transparent, radugina is goldish, with the bright-orange spot above, the scales in the places of spaya are studded by the shallow black points.
In time of spawning male adopts the wonderful iridescent colouring: back it becomes greenish-brown, the branchiaes and sides pour off by the wonderful rose mother which runs on all body back of pearl, the lateral strip is done bright-dark blue with the metallic reflection, the breast and belly get a cinnabar tint, and zadneprohodniy plavnik, equally as well as external edge of dorsal fin, becomes crimson-red. In addition, on nose and little borodavochki, which disappear not before as after the marriage period, appear at eyes.
With respect to female, it by color much paler, plavnikov painted has, equally as has not also such large borodavochek, but during laying lets out the special red-orange pipe which, let down at it behind the zadneprohodnogo opening, reaches to the end of tail and gives to fish extremely original kind. Pipe this - yaytseklad by which gorchak vimetivaet caviar. Ikrinki of gorchaka relatively are very large, unnumerous and differ yellow reporting its colouring and to yaytsekladu. In addition, ikrinki these, being very closely skucheni in yaytseklade, over the compression take constantly a cylindrical form.
Testicles (caviar) of gorchak vimetivaet at once and not in great numbers, but in a few receptions - in about dolgenie 1 or 3 months and lays a caviar by the afore-mentioned coriaceous pipe in the branchiaes of dvustvor chatih shells of perlovitsi (Unio) and bezzubok (Anadonta). About the last fact knew in a 1863 year, and thitherto predpo lagali, that ikrinki, meeting in these shells belong gorchaku, but to the original fish to podkamenshiku (Gottus gobbjo). The curious opening this belongs to the Kharkov Maslovskomu professor, which succeeded to show out of taken in these shells ik rinok fishes which, growing, turned out gorchakami and besides by females, because afterwards at them poyavi lis characteristic pipes. The pipes these developed at them only on the second year, so that, consequently, gorchak achieves complete puberty not before two years. The development of ikrinok taken in the shells of shellfishes showed still, that ikrinki of gorchaka are impregnated by males already since they were fixed kami in the branchiaes of shellfishes.
Gorchak fish is living, merry, easily gets along in aquarium and serves to one of best its decorations. Over that, as fish arriving at and in nature of not large growth, it presents for amateur akva riuma considerable interest and in that relation, that, at the observance of some terms, can in aquarium propagate, to what first, so to speak, by chance yavlya etsya possibility to define a floor of this fish with lay by bone down, as not at what other. Because yaytseklad, poyav lyayushiysya at female during spawning, exists at it in the usual time, only in the considerably men shem size (it has the then appearance little black hook of with the yellow foundation), at samchika boro davochki come forward often long before time of spawning, so, for example, still in January month, and feathers plavni of kov begin to be painted and that earlier.
Becoming interested by experiments above reproduction of gorchaka, I planned to divorce them at itself in aquarium. To that end I took a small vessel in 13 tops of dli ni, 8 tops of width and 8 tops of height, laid on bottom it on vershok of river sand, planted not skol to small bushes of vallisnerii, put in the middle a bush of tsiperusa, the roots of which got out from pot and races of polzalis in all parties, so that could have served at by the yatnim refuge for fishes, and placed there three tasting bitter kov: one male and two females. Long time, one to, I could not have obtained what that not was results, actually, because nowhere it was impossible to obtain ra kushek Unio, which during spawning of gorchakov, that in aquarium is usually very early, in February or at the latest in March, I.e. when all ponds and rivers are placed at us still usually under ice, so far bury oneself in silt, that doritsya to them there almost is no way.
Finally in a 1882 year, after the long expectations, bla godarya courtesies of one young amateur, I sde lalsya, finally, by the happy possessor of a long ago desirable rakushek. Number of brought to me Unio was enough considerable, but from them living three things turned out only.
Terrible I trembled for the life of these creatures three precious for me, fearing, as though they, from the change of water and situation did not perish. Because of these apprehensions, I placed them all at once in aquarium, but rassortiroval thus: one copy former more pobodree and more posvegee other laid down in aquarium with fish, other - in the empty aquarium, and third left in that jar and that water in which all three were brought to me. Fortunately, however, all three turned out fully healthy and, submerging on two third in the pe juice, began preispravno to expose its leaves. About radovavshis to such prosperity, I potoropilsya to plant all of them in aquarium to gorchakam.
Only noticed gorchaki in the prisut stvie Unio aquarium, as in the same minute drove a strong alarm; floating around shells, they touched to them by snouts, exactly desiring to compel shellfish of races to cover the leaves, were then deleted from them on minute, go nyalis after each other and again swiftly threw backwards. When rakushka, exposing leaves, vistavlya la from them back edge of epanchi, seated, as resnich kami, by warts, gorchaki, napereriv before each other, hurried to touch to them and tried to pinch them, as though inducing shellfish to move apart a crack poshire. And, strange thing, shellfish this, obik novenno extremely sensible, closing its shell even at most easy, accidental prikos novenii to it, now not only showed not the least trouble, but, opposite, it seemed, even tested some pleasure from these touches, because leaves it each time indeed as though were moved apart wider.
So passed the first day or, better to say, the viy evening trudged. Already on the following morning I was on ragen extremely, giving a glance on one of females: yaytseklad it, as a little hook, usually barely zamet of niy, in one night stretched to that went behind hvo stovoy plavnik and dragged on bottom, by color and form it began to look like the thin dung worm lying down some time in water, and was filled with something red, not that by clots, not that by the veins of blood. Pla vaya, the female tried to stick to more of bottom and, about plivaya above shell, approached its yaytseklad to shellfish, probably in order that it could have pulled in in itself ikrinki let out by yaytsekladom, or, maybe, even and yaytseklad by visheupomyanu that borodavochkami opening planted around. At me, at least, there was such supposition after stvie some supervisions. At first, I noticed, that at shaking of the lees being on bottom all particles it, located vblizi the wart opening, were quickly directed in this opening, as in water-shoot. Secondly, when I drove a shell to such position at which back-end it highly rose above the surface of bottom, gorchaki until then did not sail from it, while it did not expose its leaves. Then they began to pinch it for prominent, below than warty from verstiya, part of epanchi, as though giving to these to know a breakwater of lyusku, that it follows to drop a shell lower. Indeed, obeying to their desire, shellfish under vigalsya ahead and dropped a shell until warty opening it was not almost at level bottom. Were, however, and such cases, that you vedenniy from patience shellfish suddenly at once squeezed a shell and allowed from overhead (near poroshitsi) from verstiya it such current, that fishes instantly whether otskakiva from it, and the particles getting in current were thrown up on 4-5 tops in height.
With samchikom at the same time took place also not that special. It constantly was in some alarm, rushed about in all parties, was driven without tiredness after female, not on minute did not abandon it, was caressed to it, hung round; approaching a shell, it nachi nal so strongly to tremble, that all body it trembled, as aspen sheet: thus it touched otver stiem its foul place to opening of epanchi with borodavoch kami and on times let out even from itself some colourless liquid, blossoming out in water as a cloud, similar that which produces vipu shennaya in water drop of alcohol.
There was a marriage pair in such position. The second female all time remained indifferent quiet and, as was not driven after it samchik, yaytseklad, it was saved still by the type of little to the hook. So passed day two. Then yaytseklad of the first female began little by little to diminish, so that day through three considerably grew short, although was as before, barely noticeable hook, but reached end of zadneprohodnogo plavnika.
According to Zibolda description, meeting in yaytseklade at dead gorchakov, meeting to it on market, a number of ikrinok located as a rosary, I expected appearance of the same and in yaytseklade of the female looked after me: but, seeing nothing similar, I decided, that female my not still fully ripened and shortened its yaytseklad only because unable still was to spawn. Stopping on this supposition, I quite calmed down and was ready to wait the following year. My surprise was which, when, after two weeks after the noticed phenomena (noticed by me in the first times on February, 12), yaytseklad at the first female suddenly again lengthened. Interested by this surprise, I on other day, hardly not with dawn, sat before aquarium and decided not until then to start from place, while will not see the consequences of unexpected phenomenon. How I, however, not looked and not looked over gorchakov except for the former receptions described higher I have notice draw games of new could not. Sitting thus hour four, if not five, and losing finally every patience, I already intended to go away in order more in this day not to look after, how suddenly was unspeakably puzzled, seeing at female a bulge suddenly appearing near the end of yaytseklada, and in it something look like on ikrinku. The bulge this was very considerable. It twice or three times excelled a thickness of same yaytseklada, and ikrinka had a form of rice corn and presented two clear distinctive parts: one small, rather yellow (colors of sirtsovogo silk) and other - more large, turbid-white. All yaytseklad, together with the bulge, had the now appearance ear of the known bog plant, palochnika, or cattail (Tupha latifolja)of, thus yaytseklad was possible to be compared to the stem of this plant, bulge with yaich who - with ear, and end of yaytseklada, narrowing this hardly not in thread, - with the drying up torus saved from the masculine colors.
This original spectacle compelled me again to sit for aquarium and wait, that will be farther. The Sa soaking, thanking, probably, to appearing utol sheniyu, with the visible labour floated from one rakovi ni to other, and samchik followed it on heels, or, being ahead of it, examined preliminary ra kovinu and then already invited a female to follow itself. Getting around shell, female of nachina of la to loosen its pipe from party in party, on dobno that, as an elephant loosens by trunk, and, podgi May it under itself, tried on times to put it into opening of shell. Thus pipe, under vliyani eat, probably, the irritations, was some blown up also from quite soft became hard, as though rubber. The manoeuvres these proceeded minutes of de syat. Finally, deciding, probably, that position of rako guilt comfortably, the female strongly hitted it by belly and, quickly doubling under itself in pipe, opus of tila it all in shell. This happened so quickly, that I had time only to notice, that on leaving of pipe (yaytseklada) it was so strongly exaggerated from opening of shell, that walls it appeared as a thin cigarette paper or some fabric from the spider web. Samchik dashed after female instantly, but the shell turned out in neudob nom for it position, because of what it, nesmot rya on efforts, in any way could not have perched so, that moloki let out to them got into shellfish.
After this interesting stage I began to watch still more attentive. Osvobodyas from its weight, the female began to rush about on aquarium with the doubled playfulness and, swimming up that to that, to other shell, each time addressed the warty opening by a head and, it seemed, attentively considered, how enough it is wide openly and whether comfortable it is located. Did the same and samchik. On times, however, female of zabi valas in the thicket of plants, as though to something there going and gets ready. Thus I noticed, that in the overhead part of yaytseklada the enough considerable bulge in which appeared now, as to me kaza elk, something yellow lay, very look like on the testicle described by me. Supposition this deystvi telno soon justified oneself, because female, after one go from such stays in the dreg of plants, ponosiv shis a bit in water, was approached, finally, to the rako guilt and put into it its pipe. Although the motion this was still quick, than in the first times, although it with was managed, so to speak, with the quickness of lightning, so that it was to no way to notice, whether it laid down ikrinku or no, but the disappearance of yellow content in the saccate bulge of yaytseklada showed clear, that this was ikrinka and that ikrin ka this had time already to go across from pipe in shell; this was confirmed still more that samchik was immediately directed to the shell and tried to pour is fixed nuyu ikrinku by molokami.
The receptions these repeated fishes much more and oftentimes and almost always in the same form and with the same unchanging quickness which explained to me, poche mu I did not see, how laid the testicles female at first ud linenii yaytseklada, and even suspected it in immaturity. Laying these proceeded again about two days (the female laid the testicles almost every 5-10 minutes, so that the number of all testicles fixed by it, it seems to me, must have reached about 30).
After this the pipe at female shortened, the colors of samchika have grown dark, and the shells have left off to expose its leaves and deeply earthed in sand. Passed two: weeks; I waited a new reiteration of laying, but it was not present. It did not happen also after and weeks two more, it did not happen and still in a month. Speak all lo about that it is ended. Pipes at female did not quite become evidently, samchik floated pale, as in winter, and only one shells still crawled over about and exposed in the sun weather its leaves.
Fish fries, however, this bout did not go out. I wanted was to unseal the shells, to look, as ikrinki are located in them, but felt sorry, expecting, whether fishes will not go out from them. In addition, in the types of spase niya expected molodi from gluttony of large mountains of chakov I tried was one of shells of peremes tit in the empty aquarium, but this only spoiled de lo, because disturbed, probably, by the change of place, water and temperature shellfish immediately povi kidival from itself all ikrinki placed in it. All ikrinok in shell turned out only eight. First thrown out were round, and subsequent are some oblong.
The second experiment succeeded me to be conducted only two go yes after. Providing oneself from autumn by rakushkami, I with the neter singing waited at fishes the first signs of marriage on ri (lengthening of pipe at females, bright colouring of plav nikov at males and proch.) and, as soon as they appeared, immediately placed to them these shellfishes.
As well as two years that backwards, fishes hammered in immediately an alarm and, did not pass a few days, laid down ik ru. The phenomena accompanying this laying were in the great deal similar with former, but also in the great deal razni lis. So, for this time I noticed: at first, that ki were preferred by the little shells to the Unio large Anodonta shells, which, it is necessary to notice, rarely submerge in sand quite, as first, and viglyadi vayut, usually, from it half, that much more uncomfortable for lowering of yaytseklada; and secondly, that the Anodonta shells again and again throw out from itself ikrinki fixed in them, what in the first times I did not notice. What reason to this throwing out - on ka know, but present year it repeated oneself neod nokratno not only at me, but still at one acquainted go to me amateur, and besides not only now on laying, but also after a few days. There was one even case, that from shell the already so developing embryo was thrown out, that in it mog but was to look after in microscope palpitation. This throwing of ikrinok out is accomplished with such force, that ikrinki take off on 10 and 12 tops upwards. From other features of laying of caviar of gorchakom in ninesh it must mark the still following to the year.
At first, the term between laying grew short in the ni neshnem year half, I.e. in place of last year's 2-3 weeks by the present spring they laid in every 7-8 days and besides so correctly, that the day of every following laying was possible to be predicted beforehand.
Then, the number of laying this year was much more considerable, than before (when them was only three), the pipe of yaytseklada developed only for day to laying and was pulled in immediately after it.
But most interesting, that I succeeded to notice for this time, this, that fishes drop its yaytseklad, and, consequently, and ikrinki not in ciliary (mouth), but in the foul place opening of rakushki being next to it.
This was easily explained also other interesting circumstance: why rakushki so easily throw out ikrinki fixed in them, that at the apartment of them in the ciliary opening serving, as is generally known, only for involvement, throwing out, was quite incomprehensible.
That touches to the results of laying, this bout they were some more successful. After two weeks (17-20 days) next to last from laying swam out at me and shells three fishes, fully formed and with the geltochnim bubble pulled already in. Removed one of them from aquarium with parents, and two left other, fearing, as though the change of water did not act on them disastrously. But both these last perished more credible all eaten by fathers. The transplanted fish grew perfectly. By the apartment for it slu lived large, thickly copsy by water-plants and different vegetation (mainly elodeey) glass jar with sand on bottom, and by forage served demon numeral great number of dafniy and tsiklopov, which divorced here from a few things planted at the beginning of spring.
On the following year laying happened again, and for this time already results it were especially favourable: from two pairs more than 60 things of fries hatched not counting those which perished at first. A main reason of such success was been by transplanting of parents immediately on laying of caviar and permanent upgrade of rakushek. To transplanting to this the device of same promoted partly aquarium which was razde flax on a few separations. In each of such otde leniy, planted well by the aquatic vegetation and supplied by the sandy soil in no less one and a half vershka of depth, it was placed on a few shrine of shek, and then fishes were translated gradually from the odes of nogo separation in other, as soversha las by them laying.
Molod was fatted by tsiklopami at first, daf niyami and by other shallow crustaceas, and then cut on pieces by motilem. All attaining floor of nogo development of gorchakov to the following spring 30 things turned out, and in the second year some of them already, in same queue, laid down a caviar which the second generation of gorchakov in aquarium hatched from; results, what did not still turn out in aquarium not with what from other our home fishes. The generation this turned out considerably weaker; go du fishes hatching in the past have the appearance treh-chetirehmesyachnih fries of. In addition, and colouring them considerably weaker. But, that more curious all, this that all fishes of second pokole of niya female. Whether chance this, or this result of life in captivity, will show further experiments.
That touches to the output of gorchakov from the Unio shells, taken with the caviar of gorchakov in river, in the Zoologischer Garten magazine we read, by the way, the sle blowing report:
The Shott «dr, becoming interested gorchakami, typed in the Mayne river about 20 things of rakushek and, certifying shis that they contain a caviar of gorchakov, placed them in pool at the Grebbe bathhouse. The pool this was located outdoors, had an eye of lo 6 futov in poperechnike and 1,5 futa in depth and was provided with water from the Mayna river, beating in it as a fountain. Except for Unio rakushek in pool were the greatest ni still shellfishes of Planordis corneus and Limnaea stag-nalis, and from plants are placed some ekzemplya ditch of lyagushatnika (Hydrocharis morsus Ranae), three stake duckweed (Lemna trisulca), yes the walls and bottom of pool, in addition, were covered by the thick layer of water-plants. A few days (how many - probably does not remember)passed, the shells let out from itself fish molod, whereupon all on one were remote from pool. Young fishes, in number 100 things, developed in the water constantly brushing up perfectly and all to one were saved to the end of experience. By food served to them at first covering a bottom and walls of pool of water-plant, and then gave them from time to time a fish meat which converted into powder ». From the features of life of gorchaka in aquarium it is necessary to mention still about passion by its spring to be driven after other fishes, passion, reaching shortly before to resta, but especially during spawning to that, that it positively pounds all other little its cohabitants. This begins from that mainly, that it plays with its image in glass: on the whole clock of tolchetsya it before the mirror walls of aquarium, both going down, or rising, trembling by all body and trying to catch, to touch to the imaginary fish so tempting flirting with it. But as it not changes positions of body, as not changes a place of game, the deceitful image only follows it, and to touch to itself does not permit. And then, making sure, finally, in impossibility with it to draw together this, it abandons its pitiless teacher and is allowed to pursue other suitable to itself in color and to growth, fishes.
Living these fishes pied painted gay in colours to that are charming, that them prostolyudini carry with even and in the Samara province, for example, on the Irgiz river, the peasants hold these fishes in banks with water and cora is crushed by flies. In place of sand they lay on bottom a chalk, because bottom of the Irgiz river chalky; on soil this the bright colouring of fish is selected especially relief.
In the usual time of gorchak is humble, in particular case when it still not quite got used with aquarium, hour that is deleted in the dark corners and eats very small, so few, that, eating, for example, one-two motiley, it third can not already quite swallow, but sucks it, at least, minutes five. Such moderation in food, not quite conformable with the size of body of fish, depends, probably, from the device of its stomach, gullet of which, adjusted to the vegetable food, it must to be, is so narrow, that can not at once contain a good number nourishing ve shestva of.
In the aquarium of gorchak larger reposes on depth, and if begins to float at surface, this is the first sign of its ill health, by the sign of ill health, even very dangerous, the change of the lilovatoy colouring of its body in white serves. Such change, pobelenie gorchaka happened at me three times, which two were finished from by death. Last time, noticing this threatening phenomenon, I planted it immediately in the salt cold water and that, probably, rescued from the inevitable death.
Gorchaki are gifted by the unusually keen hearing, so that, where not knocked in aquarium, they immediately distinguish a place of knock. I did such the experiments. Sat down before aquarium and began to distribute fishes of kam motilya. Gorchaki with avidity made at it and interrupting one another pulled out at each other. Then, in that vre mya, when they were so busy, began anywhere quite in other party to drum at the lower cornice of aquarium by fingers. Gorchaki immediately noticed this sound, were immediately directed all together in one hundred ronu, where I knocked, and did not walk away from this place until I did not stop to drum. Thus they as though expressed even some pleasure, poto mu that snouts them were so knocked in that place, otku yes the sound was heard. But attracted them only deaf sound. When I began to strike in aquarium pal of tsami, but anything metallic - by rings knife nits, by knife, the sharp is this, it must to be, dey stvoval on them unpleasant, because in this case they never did not approach a place of knock.
Assuming, that gorchakov attracted in the first case, perchance, not so much sound, as dvige nie fingers, I replaced the fingers to wooden, is wrapped around ache by rag by stick, and then gorchaki again at bligalis. Finally, I changed a place of sound: struck that here, both there, or in cornice, or in glass - and each time, where only the blow was heard, there they and were directed. Love Gorchaki aquarium thickly planted leading by the nimi plants, and wherein there are no these plants, on logitelno do not live. I know many amateurs which constantly complain, that at them gorchaki do not stick to; at these amateurs there is no no vegetation in aquarium. Other, vice versa, are high pleased by them - at them vegetation plenty. Placed in aquarium without plants, gorchaki constantly as search for something and rush about backwards and ahead, are frightened at the least noise and jump out from pool, only popolnee to fill it with water. Especially they do not love round jars and, proposed in similar vessels on sun pripek, perish extraordinarily soon.
In conclusion will say, that from females, presumably not all are able to develop yaytseklad. On extremely measure, suggests idea of me this an one of the females former at me, which, as I supposed before, developed its yaytseklada only that is why, that it had not separate male, but when it this male was given to, even and then, when to it a few males were placed .
We will notice, that young, recently placed in the aquarium of gorchaki, both males, and especially females, spawn rather, than those which live in captivity a long ago, and, finally, that colouring of the again planted males always is brighter, than already above-ground ».
Water of gorchak loves quiet, shallow. On bistri can not stick to on same to storage of its body. Meets in rivers and lakes mainly, in trudge dah very rarely, because there meet rarer and you are shenazvannie shellfishes. Soil prefers pescha niy. Plants growing in those waters, where it lives, mainly kuga, goroshitsa (Potomageton) and kuv shinka (Nimphea or Numphar). Feeds on preimushe stvenno nitchatkoy, water-plants (diatomeyami)from which, probably, meat it and got bitter taste serving by subject for the name of it tasting bitter who.
Gorchak meets in comparatively small to lichestve, together with eltsom, by podleshikom and that on by the dobnoy small fry. Spawns in April - May, and not restitsya, probably, by flocks.
In the usual time of gorchak color silvery, the back is greenish, strip going from middle those la and gradually narrowing to the tail, bluish, plavniki is transparent, radugina is goldish, with the bright-orange spot above, the scales in the places of spaya are studded by the shallow black points.
In time of spawning male adopts the wonderful iridescent colouring: back it becomes greenish-brown, the branchiaes and sides pour off by the wonderful rose mother which runs on all body back of pearl, the lateral strip is done bright-dark blue with the metallic reflection, the breast and belly get a cinnabar tint, and zadneprohodniy plavnik, equally as well as external edge of dorsal fin, becomes crimson-red. In addition, on nose and little borodavochki, which disappear not before as after the marriage period, appear at eyes.
With respect to female, it by color much paler, plavnikov painted has, equally as has not also such large borodavochek, but during laying lets out the special red-orange pipe which, let down at it behind the zadneprohodnogo opening, reaches to the end of tail and gives to fish extremely original kind. Pipe this - yaytseklad by which gorchak vimetivaet caviar. Ikrinki of gorchaka relatively are very large, unnumerous and differ yellow reporting its colouring and to yaytsekladu. In addition, ikrinki these, being very closely skucheni in yaytseklade, over the compression take constantly a cylindrical form.
Testicles (caviar) of gorchak vimetivaet at once and not in great numbers, but in a few receptions - in about dolgenie 1 or 3 months and lays a caviar by the afore-mentioned coriaceous pipe in the branchiaes of dvustvor chatih shells of perlovitsi (Unio) and bezzubok (Anadonta). About the last fact knew in a 1863 year, and thitherto predpo lagali, that ikrinki, meeting in these shells belong gorchaku, but to the original fish to podkamenshiku (Gottus gobbjo). The curious opening this belongs to the Kharkov Maslovskomu professor, which succeeded to show out of taken in these shells ik rinok fishes which, growing, turned out gorchakami and besides by females, because afterwards at them poyavi lis characteristic pipes. The pipes these developed at them only on the second year, so that, consequently, gorchak achieves complete puberty not before two years. The development of ikrinok taken in the shells of shellfishes showed still, that ikrinki of gorchaka are impregnated by males already since they were fixed kami in the branchiaes of shellfishes.
Gorchak fish is living, merry, easily gets along in aquarium and serves to one of best its decorations. Over that, as fish arriving at and in nature of not large growth, it presents for amateur akva riuma considerable interest and in that relation, that, at the observance of some terms, can in aquarium propagate, to what first, so to speak, by chance yavlya etsya possibility to define a floor of this fish with lay by bone down, as not at what other. Because yaytseklad, poyav lyayushiysya at female during spawning, exists at it in the usual time, only in the considerably men shem size (it has the then appearance little black hook of with the yellow foundation), at samchika boro davochki come forward often long before time of spawning, so, for example, still in January month, and feathers plavni of kov begin to be painted and that earlier.
Becoming interested by experiments above reproduction of gorchaka, I planned to divorce them at itself in aquarium. To that end I took a small vessel in 13 tops of dli ni, 8 tops of width and 8 tops of height, laid on bottom it on vershok of river sand, planted not skol to small bushes of vallisnerii, put in the middle a bush of tsiperusa, the roots of which got out from pot and races of polzalis in all parties, so that could have served at by the yatnim refuge for fishes, and placed there three tasting bitter kov: one male and two females. Long time, one to, I could not have obtained what that not was results, actually, because nowhere it was impossible to obtain ra kushek Unio, which during spawning of gorchakov, that in aquarium is usually very early, in February or at the latest in March, I.e. when all ponds and rivers are placed at us still usually under ice, so far bury oneself in silt, that doritsya to them there almost is no way.
Finally in a 1882 year, after the long expectations, bla godarya courtesies of one young amateur, I sde lalsya, finally, by the happy possessor of a long ago desirable rakushek. Number of brought to me Unio was enough considerable, but from them living three things turned out only.
Terrible I trembled for the life of these creatures three precious for me, fearing, as though they, from the change of water and situation did not perish. Because of these apprehensions, I placed them all at once in aquarium, but rassortiroval thus: one copy former more pobodree and more posvegee other laid down in aquarium with fish, other - in the empty aquarium, and third left in that jar and that water in which all three were brought to me. Fortunately, however, all three turned out fully healthy and, submerging on two third in the pe juice, began preispravno to expose its leaves. About radovavshis to such prosperity, I potoropilsya to plant all of them in aquarium to gorchakam.
Only noticed gorchaki in the prisut stvie Unio aquarium, as in the same minute drove a strong alarm; floating around shells, they touched to them by snouts, exactly desiring to compel shellfish of races to cover the leaves, were then deleted from them on minute, go nyalis after each other and again swiftly threw backwards. When rakushka, exposing leaves, vistavlya la from them back edge of epanchi, seated, as resnich kami, by warts, gorchaki, napereriv before each other, hurried to touch to them and tried to pinch them, as though inducing shellfish to move apart a crack poshire. And, strange thing, shellfish this, obik novenno extremely sensible, closing its shell even at most easy, accidental prikos novenii to it, now not only showed not the least trouble, but, opposite, it seemed, even tested some pleasure from these touches, because leaves it each time indeed as though were moved apart wider.
So passed the first day or, better to say, the viy evening trudged. Already on the following morning I was on ragen extremely, giving a glance on one of females: yaytseklad it, as a little hook, usually barely zamet of niy, in one night stretched to that went behind hvo stovoy plavnik and dragged on bottom, by color and form it began to look like the thin dung worm lying down some time in water, and was filled with something red, not that by clots, not that by the veins of blood. Pla vaya, the female tried to stick to more of bottom and, about plivaya above shell, approached its yaytseklad to shellfish, probably in order that it could have pulled in in itself ikrinki let out by yaytsekladom, or, maybe, even and yaytseklad by visheupomyanu that borodavochkami opening planted around. At me, at least, there was such supposition after stvie some supervisions. At first, I noticed, that at shaking of the lees being on bottom all particles it, located vblizi the wart opening, were quickly directed in this opening, as in water-shoot. Secondly, when I drove a shell to such position at which back-end it highly rose above the surface of bottom, gorchaki until then did not sail from it, while it did not expose its leaves. Then they began to pinch it for prominent, below than warty from verstiya, part of epanchi, as though giving to these to know a breakwater of lyusku, that it follows to drop a shell lower. Indeed, obeying to their desire, shellfish under vigalsya ahead and dropped a shell until warty opening it was not almost at level bottom. Were, however, and such cases, that you vedenniy from patience shellfish suddenly at once squeezed a shell and allowed from overhead (near poroshitsi) from verstiya it such current, that fishes instantly whether otskakiva from it, and the particles getting in current were thrown up on 4-5 tops in height.
With samchikom at the same time took place also not that special. It constantly was in some alarm, rushed about in all parties, was driven without tiredness after female, not on minute did not abandon it, was caressed to it, hung round; approaching a shell, it nachi nal so strongly to tremble, that all body it trembled, as aspen sheet: thus it touched otver stiem its foul place to opening of epanchi with borodavoch kami and on times let out even from itself some colourless liquid, blossoming out in water as a cloud, similar that which produces vipu shennaya in water drop of alcohol.
There was a marriage pair in such position. The second female all time remained indifferent quiet and, as was not driven after it samchik, yaytseklad, it was saved still by the type of little to the hook. So passed day two. Then yaytseklad of the first female began little by little to diminish, so that day through three considerably grew short, although was as before, barely noticeable hook, but reached end of zadneprohodnogo plavnika.
According to Zibolda description, meeting in yaytseklade at dead gorchakov, meeting to it on market, a number of ikrinok located as a rosary, I expected appearance of the same and in yaytseklade of the female looked after me: but, seeing nothing similar, I decided, that female my not still fully ripened and shortened its yaytseklad only because unable still was to spawn. Stopping on this supposition, I quite calmed down and was ready to wait the following year. My surprise was which, when, after two weeks after the noticed phenomena (noticed by me in the first times on February, 12), yaytseklad at the first female suddenly again lengthened. Interested by this surprise, I on other day, hardly not with dawn, sat before aquarium and decided not until then to start from place, while will not see the consequences of unexpected phenomenon. How I, however, not looked and not looked over gorchakov except for the former receptions described higher I have notice draw games of new could not. Sitting thus hour four, if not five, and losing finally every patience, I already intended to go away in order more in this day not to look after, how suddenly was unspeakably puzzled, seeing at female a bulge suddenly appearing near the end of yaytseklada, and in it something look like on ikrinku. The bulge this was very considerable. It twice or three times excelled a thickness of same yaytseklada, and ikrinka had a form of rice corn and presented two clear distinctive parts: one small, rather yellow (colors of sirtsovogo silk) and other - more large, turbid-white. All yaytseklad, together with the bulge, had the now appearance ear of the known bog plant, palochnika, or cattail (Tupha latifolja)of, thus yaytseklad was possible to be compared to the stem of this plant, bulge with yaich who - with ear, and end of yaytseklada, narrowing this hardly not in thread, - with the drying up torus saved from the masculine colors.
This original spectacle compelled me again to sit for aquarium and wait, that will be farther. The Sa soaking, thanking, probably, to appearing utol sheniyu, with the visible labour floated from one rakovi ni to other, and samchik followed it on heels, or, being ahead of it, examined preliminary ra kovinu and then already invited a female to follow itself. Getting around shell, female of nachina of la to loosen its pipe from party in party, on dobno that, as an elephant loosens by trunk, and, podgi May it under itself, tried on times to put it into opening of shell. Thus pipe, under vliyani eat, probably, the irritations, was some blown up also from quite soft became hard, as though rubber. The manoeuvres these proceeded minutes of de syat. Finally, deciding, probably, that position of rako guilt comfortably, the female strongly hitted it by belly and, quickly doubling under itself in pipe, opus of tila it all in shell. This happened so quickly, that I had time only to notice, that on leaving of pipe (yaytseklada) it was so strongly exaggerated from opening of shell, that walls it appeared as a thin cigarette paper or some fabric from the spider web. Samchik dashed after female instantly, but the shell turned out in neudob nom for it position, because of what it, nesmot rya on efforts, in any way could not have perched so, that moloki let out to them got into shellfish.
After this interesting stage I began to watch still more attentive. Osvobodyas from its weight, the female began to rush about on aquarium with the doubled playfulness and, swimming up that to that, to other shell, each time addressed the warty opening by a head and, it seemed, attentively considered, how enough it is wide openly and whether comfortable it is located. Did the same and samchik. On times, however, female of zabi valas in the thicket of plants, as though to something there going and gets ready. Thus I noticed, that in the overhead part of yaytseklada the enough considerable bulge in which appeared now, as to me kaza elk, something yellow lay, very look like on the testicle described by me. Supposition this deystvi telno soon justified oneself, because female, after one go from such stays in the dreg of plants, ponosiv shis a bit in water, was approached, finally, to the rako guilt and put into it its pipe. Although the motion this was still quick, than in the first times, although it with was managed, so to speak, with the quickness of lightning, so that it was to no way to notice, whether it laid down ikrinku or no, but the disappearance of yellow content in the saccate bulge of yaytseklada showed clear, that this was ikrinka and that ikrin ka this had time already to go across from pipe in shell; this was confirmed still more that samchik was immediately directed to the shell and tried to pour is fixed nuyu ikrinku by molokami.
The receptions these repeated fishes much more and oftentimes and almost always in the same form and with the same unchanging quickness which explained to me, poche mu I did not see, how laid the testicles female at first ud linenii yaytseklada, and even suspected it in immaturity. Laying these proceeded again about two days (the female laid the testicles almost every 5-10 minutes, so that the number of all testicles fixed by it, it seems to me, must have reached about 30).
After this the pipe at female shortened, the colors of samchika have grown dark, and the shells have left off to expose its leaves and deeply earthed in sand. Passed two: weeks; I waited a new reiteration of laying, but it was not present. It did not happen also after and weeks two more, it did not happen and still in a month. Speak all lo about that it is ended. Pipes at female did not quite become evidently, samchik floated pale, as in winter, and only one shells still crawled over about and exposed in the sun weather its leaves.
Fish fries, however, this bout did not go out. I wanted was to unseal the shells, to look, as ikrinki are located in them, but felt sorry, expecting, whether fishes will not go out from them. In addition, in the types of spase niya expected molodi from gluttony of large mountains of chakov I tried was one of shells of peremes tit in the empty aquarium, but this only spoiled de lo, because disturbed, probably, by the change of place, water and temperature shellfish immediately povi kidival from itself all ikrinki placed in it. All ikrinok in shell turned out only eight. First thrown out were round, and subsequent are some oblong.
The second experiment succeeded me to be conducted only two go yes after. Providing oneself from autumn by rakushkami, I with the neter singing waited at fishes the first signs of marriage on ri (lengthening of pipe at females, bright colouring of plav nikov at males and proch.) and, as soon as they appeared, immediately placed to them these shellfishes.
As well as two years that backwards, fishes hammered in immediately an alarm and, did not pass a few days, laid down ik ru. The phenomena accompanying this laying were in the great deal similar with former, but also in the great deal razni lis. So, for this time I noticed: at first, that ki were preferred by the little shells to the Unio large Anodonta shells, which, it is necessary to notice, rarely submerge in sand quite, as first, and viglyadi vayut, usually, from it half, that much more uncomfortable for lowering of yaytseklada; and secondly, that the Anodonta shells again and again throw out from itself ikrinki fixed in them, what in the first times I did not notice. What reason to this throwing out - on ka know, but present year it repeated oneself neod nokratno not only at me, but still at one acquainted go to me amateur, and besides not only now on laying, but also after a few days. There was one even case, that from shell the already so developing embryo was thrown out, that in it mog but was to look after in microscope palpitation. This throwing of ikrinok out is accomplished with such force, that ikrinki take off on 10 and 12 tops upwards. From other features of laying of caviar of gorchakom in ninesh it must mark the still following to the year.
At first, the term between laying grew short in the ni neshnem year half, I.e. in place of last year's 2-3 weeks by the present spring they laid in every 7-8 days and besides so correctly, that the day of every following laying was possible to be predicted beforehand.
Then, the number of laying this year was much more considerable, than before (when them was only three), the pipe of yaytseklada developed only for day to laying and was pulled in immediately after it.
But most interesting, that I succeeded to notice for this time, this, that fishes drop its yaytseklad, and, consequently, and ikrinki not in ciliary (mouth), but in the foul place opening of rakushki being next to it.
This was easily explained also other interesting circumstance: why rakushki so easily throw out ikrinki fixed in them, that at the apartment of them in the ciliary opening serving, as is generally known, only for involvement, throwing out, was quite incomprehensible.
That touches to the results of laying, this bout they were some more successful. After two weeks (17-20 days) next to last from laying swam out at me and shells three fishes, fully formed and with the geltochnim bubble pulled already in. Removed one of them from aquarium with parents, and two left other, fearing, as though the change of water did not act on them disastrously. But both these last perished more credible all eaten by fathers. The transplanted fish grew perfectly. By the apartment for it slu lived large, thickly copsy by water-plants and different vegetation (mainly elodeey) glass jar with sand on bottom, and by forage served demon numeral great number of dafniy and tsiklopov, which divorced here from a few things planted at the beginning of spring.
On the following year laying happened again, and for this time already results it were especially favourable: from two pairs more than 60 things of fries hatched not counting those which perished at first. A main reason of such success was been by transplanting of parents immediately on laying of caviar and permanent upgrade of rakushek. To transplanting to this the device of same promoted partly aquarium which was razde flax on a few separations. In each of such otde leniy, planted well by the aquatic vegetation and supplied by the sandy soil in no less one and a half vershka of depth, it was placed on a few shrine of shek, and then fishes were translated gradually from the odes of nogo separation in other, as soversha las by them laying.
Molod was fatted by tsiklopami at first, daf niyami and by other shallow crustaceas, and then cut on pieces by motilem. All attaining floor of nogo development of gorchakov to the following spring 30 things turned out, and in the second year some of them already, in same queue, laid down a caviar which the second generation of gorchakov in aquarium hatched from; results, what did not still turn out in aquarium not with what from other our home fishes. The generation this turned out considerably weaker; go du fishes hatching in the past have the appearance treh-chetirehmesyachnih fries of. In addition, and colouring them considerably weaker. But, that more curious all, this that all fishes of second pokole of niya female. Whether chance this, or this result of life in captivity, will show further experiments.
That touches to the output of gorchakov from the Unio shells, taken with the caviar of gorchakov in river, in the Zoologischer Garten magazine we read, by the way, the sle blowing report:
The Shott «dr, becoming interested gorchakami, typed in the Mayne river about 20 things of rakushek and, certifying shis that they contain a caviar of gorchakov, placed them in pool at the Grebbe bathhouse. The pool this was located outdoors, had an eye of lo 6 futov in poperechnike and 1,5 futa in depth and was provided with water from the Mayna river, beating in it as a fountain. Except for Unio rakushek in pool were the greatest ni still shellfishes of Planordis corneus and Limnaea stag-nalis, and from plants are placed some ekzemplya ditch of lyagushatnika (Hydrocharis morsus Ranae), three stake duckweed (Lemna trisulca), yes the walls and bottom of pool, in addition, were covered by the thick layer of water-plants. A few days (how many - probably does not remember)passed, the shells let out from itself fish molod, whereupon all on one were remote from pool. Young fishes, in number 100 things, developed in the water constantly brushing up perfectly and all to one were saved to the end of experience. By food served to them at first covering a bottom and walls of pool of water-plant, and then gave them from time to time a fish meat which converted into powder ». From the features of life of gorchaka in aquarium it is necessary to mention still about passion by its spring to be driven after other fishes, passion, reaching shortly before to resta, but especially during spawning to that, that it positively pounds all other little its cohabitants. This begins from that mainly, that it plays with its image in glass: on the whole clock of tolchetsya it before the mirror walls of aquarium, both going down, or rising, trembling by all body and trying to catch, to touch to the imaginary fish so tempting flirting with it. But as it not changes positions of body, as not changes a place of game, the deceitful image only follows it, and to touch to itself does not permit. And then, making sure, finally, in impossibility with it to draw together this, it abandons its pitiless teacher and is allowed to pursue other suitable to itself in color and to growth, fishes.
Living these fishes pied painted gay in colours to that are charming, that them prostolyudini carry with even and in the Samara province, for example, on the Irgiz river, the peasants hold these fishes in banks with water and cora is crushed by flies. In place of sand they lay on bottom a chalk, because bottom of the Irgiz river chalky; on soil this the bright colouring of fish is selected especially relief.
In the usual time of gorchak is humble, in particular case when it still not quite got used with aquarium, hour that is deleted in the dark corners and eats very small, so few, that, eating, for example, one-two motiley, it third can not already quite swallow, but sucks it, at least, minutes five. Such moderation in food, not quite conformable with the size of body of fish, depends, probably, from the device of its stomach, gullet of which, adjusted to the vegetable food, it must to be, is so narrow, that can not at once contain a good number nourishing ve shestva of.
In the aquarium of gorchak larger reposes on depth, and if begins to float at surface, this is the first sign of its ill health, by the sign of ill health, even very dangerous, the change of the lilovatoy colouring of its body in white serves. Such change, pobelenie gorchaka happened at me three times, which two were finished from by death. Last time, noticing this threatening phenomenon, I planted it immediately in the salt cold water and that, probably, rescued from the inevitable death.
Gorchaki are gifted by the unusually keen hearing, so that, where not knocked in aquarium, they immediately distinguish a place of knock. I did such the experiments. Sat down before aquarium and began to distribute fishes of kam motilya. Gorchaki with avidity made at it and interrupting one another pulled out at each other. Then, in that vre mya, when they were so busy, began anywhere quite in other party to drum at the lower cornice of aquarium by fingers. Gorchaki immediately noticed this sound, were immediately directed all together in one hundred ronu, where I knocked, and did not walk away from this place until I did not stop to drum. Thus they as though expressed even some pleasure, poto mu that snouts them were so knocked in that place, otku yes the sound was heard. But attracted them only deaf sound. When I began to strike in aquarium pal of tsami, but anything metallic - by rings knife nits, by knife, the sharp is this, it must to be, dey stvoval on them unpleasant, because in this case they never did not approach a place of knock.
Assuming, that gorchakov attracted in the first case, perchance, not so much sound, as dvige nie fingers, I replaced the fingers to wooden, is wrapped around ache by rag by stick, and then gorchaki again at bligalis. Finally, I changed a place of sound: struck that here, both there, or in cornice, or in glass - and each time, where only the blow was heard, there they and were directed. Love Gorchaki aquarium thickly planted leading by the nimi plants, and wherein there are no these plants, on logitelno do not live. I know many amateurs which constantly complain, that at them gorchaki do not stick to; at these amateurs there is no no vegetation in aquarium. Other, vice versa, are high pleased by them - at them vegetation plenty. Placed in aquarium without plants, gorchaki constantly as search for something and rush about backwards and ahead, are frightened at the least noise and jump out from pool, only popolnee to fill it with water. Especially they do not love round jars and, proposed in similar vessels on sun pripek, perish extraordinarily soon.
In conclusion will say, that from females, presumably not all are able to develop yaytseklad. On extremely measure, suggests idea of me this an one of the females former at me, which, as I supposed before, developed its yaytseklada only that is why, that it had not separate male, but when it this male was given to, even and then, when to it a few males were placed .
We will notice, that young, recently placed in the aquarium of gorchaki, both males, and especially females, spawn rather, than those which live in captivity a long ago, and, finally, that colouring of the again planted males always is brighter, than already above-ground ».
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