Amazing fish. These small (only 6—8 sm) fishes got its name for its thorns, which their dorsal and abdominal fins doing by their inaccessible game for many predators were transformed in. Is most known also with lightness houses in the aquarium of kolyushka trehiglaya, the defensive of which is made by three pricking rays ahead of dorsal fin. This original defence is complemented by so hard and prickly abdominal plavniki and rows of the bone plates covering fish from sides like knight's latam. Fighter disposition of kolyushek as impossible more corresponds to their armed. Fishes these are very aggressive in relation to other kinds, and males bravely protect a caviar and molod, for the output of which they arrange under water original nests look like on the nests of tkachikovih birds or on building of ptitsi-shalashnika.We know none other fish, except for kolyushki, whose nests would have had not only nest platform, but also done from vegetable stem and fibres of wall and roof. The conduct of builder of this building is so notable — male of kolyushki. During the marriage period it literally blossoms by the bright paints, carefully, during a few days, erects its building, not allowing to approach to it other fishes, and then, after the original ritual of caring for, drives to the nest consistently a few females; vimetannuyu by them impregnates a caviar by molokami and about two weeks vigilantly guard a caviar and molod.Other kind — kolyushka devyatiiglaya, adopted so for the proper quantity of needles on back, differs by the velvet-black spawning dress of male which in ordinary time is had by olive with the dark points. To look after after their marriage conduct it is still interesting, because these fishes arrange the nests not on soil, but in the layer of water, strengthening them kurtinah of vegetation.
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