Is known under the name of gratsilis also. By birth from the same places, that and neons.
This small (about 4 sm) elegant fish is selected by the orangevo-krasnoy bar ablaze by the reflected light on background dark bar passing under it. The original «luminescence» of these fishes, as well as to the previous kinds, helps to be oriented in the group of sorodichey in the dark depths of tropical waters. These peaceful fishes are especially good in flock, that corresponds to the natural conduct of them in nature.
Males differ by the less sizes and more slender body, while the females are characterized by «womanlike» rounded of forms.
For spawning the temperature 25—26 is required °With, soft, defended, slightly acidified water by layer about 15 see Spawning passes at the weak luminosity, the development of caviar takes place in the flow of days, larvae — 3—4 days in the conditions of darkening. The aquarium for spawning is necessary tselnosteklyanniy. Adult fishes eat up its caviar, therefore after spawning they follow to be transplanted. Success of breeding in the great deal relies on the terms of growing, maintenance and combination of producers. Therefore for placing of geterorabdusov it is needed to locate by the couple of fishes, but by the group of young individuals. The sizes of these fishes predetermine their necessity in the shallow living forage both for rearing of fries, and at maintenance of adult fishes.
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