Fishes are peaceful, well get along with other types of shallow and middle sizes. Especially well look at oneself in combination with elegant tetrami from the group of haratsinovih fishes.
For breeding best of all to rear from fries a group from ten of future producers which become polovozrelimi in 6—8 months. Spawning-ground with the dark soil and bottom with the thick vegetation of type of amazon or kriptokorin is filled by the soft defended water slightly sour reaction. Depth of water in spawning-ground no more 20 see The females put aside a caviar on the lower parties of leaves of plants, which it attaches to them, inverted thus to one side or almost downward by back. On spawning land the couples fishes or whole groups from two-three males and three-four females. After spawning of adult fishes delete, water level it is desirable to lower about 5—8 sm and shade an aquarium, because development of caviar on passes to light less successfully. The larvae from caviar are pecked out approximately through days, becoming freely floating fries in three days. Rear them by mikrokormom. After the larval stage water level in spawning-ground it follows to promote.
Rasbora makulyata (rasbora spotted) unlike the previous kind is characterized by the prolate slender body of classic «fish» proportions, by length about 3 see Fish is painted in the russet tones with the black, pouring by blue off spots on each side and at foundation of tail and by red plavnikami with the dark edging of dorsal and anal fins. The females are painted in the rather yellow tones and not such smart, as more bright males. The terms of breeding are the same, that and at the previous kind, but water level in spawning-ground below, about 6—8 see Darkening of spawning-ground is so necessary. Before spawning of males and females vidergivayut separately at the good feeding by tsiklopom and shallow dafniyami. The larval stage of viklyunuvsheysya molodi lasts approximately 4 days. Feed the fries with infusoria. Puberty at these fishes comes already in 2 — a 2,5 month.
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